climate change
CityCLIM project to hold final stakeholder workshop, September 12, 2024
Event: 12/09/2024 - 14:00 (UTC +02:00) - 15:30 (UTC +02:00)
The ESM2025 project celebrates its Third General Assembly and World Café Workshop
The MAIA project kicks off its Ambassador program
SILVANUS Project launches an educational campaign to combat wildfires
MAIA 3rd Policy Roundtable & 1st Workshop: Putting Energy Transition into Practice: Contributions from Territories for European Energy Policies
MAIA holds its 3rd and 4th Thematic Working Groups on Communication
MAIA holds its 2nd Thematic Working Group on Communication
Why your research project isn’t attracting social media followers + what you can do about it
MAIA holds its first 1st Thematic Working Group on Communication
Behavioural research and insights for transitioning to sustainable food systems
Event: 23/04/2024 - 10:00 (UTC +02:00) - 12:15 (UTC +02:00)