The MAIA project connects communities, platforms, knowledge and research on climate change.

We maximise the impact and synergy of climate change research and innovation, by working to make currently dispersed knowledge more interoperable, accessible, usable and economically viable.

Maia project, maximising impact and accessibility to climate change research
Maia project multiplies EU projects' results

Multiply, Inspire, Succeed! We support climate adaptation and mitigation projects to connect with their audiences.

Are you involved in an EU-funded project committed to Climate Change? We invite you to join the MAIA Multiply programme. We are here to support you in boosting your project’s visibility and engagement. Let’s team up to maximize your work, it’s time to take action.


Knowledge is key to face climate change

That’s why we strive to enable access of research findings to regions, cities and communities.

Communication is key to connecting with your audience

Download our Complete Guide to Communication and Marketing for Scientific Research projects

Latest news

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Maia project multiplies EU projects' results

We support climate adaptation and mitigation projects to amplify their impact.

MAIA brings together tools, methodology and experts to help climate research projects funded under the Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 programmes maximize your project dissemination.