Research & Evidence MAIA
Research articles
Explore the latest insights of the MAIA Community projects.
Available publications
The following publications are available, (check always the latest version/update)*:
*Please note that the publications are still subject to the European Commission’s approval.
MAIA policy event report “Sustainable Food Systems: Bringing Farm to Fork into a Regional Perspective”
Call for paper submissions: Climatic Change journal special issue on climate adaptation knowledge management
Revolutionising climate predictions: How the EERIE project is filling the gaps in climate models
The ESM2025 project’s Second Science-to-Policy Briefing: Key climate insights and policy implications
Advancing climate policy: Key insights from the ESM2025 project’s 1st stakeholder forum
Taking action on the ground: How the Adaptation AGORA project involves citizens in climate resilience
I-CHANGE project launches serious game to educate citizens about their impact on the climate
Building a climate-resilient society: Insights from ERCIM’s special themed issue
BEATLES Project Workshop explores challenges and opportunities in climate-smart agriculture transition
We support climate adaptation and mitigation projects to amplify their impact.
MAIA offers tools, methodology and experts to help climate research projects funded under the Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 maximize their dissemination.