Reports and findings MAIA
Reports and findings
Check out the latest reports and findings delivered by the MAIA Project consortium.
The project deliverables will be added as they become available. The following publications are available, (check always the latest version/update)*:
*Please note that the publications are still subject to the European Commission’s approval.
MAIA policy event report “Sustainable Food Systems: Bringing Farm to Fork into a Regional Perspective”
Call for paper submissions: Climatic Change journal special issue on climate adaptation knowledge management
Revolutionising climate predictions: How the EERIE project is filling the gaps in climate models
Taking action on the ground: How the Adaptation AGORA project involves citizens in climate resilience
MAIA project partner, I-CHANGE, launches its innovative ChallengeYeti App
MAIA holds its 2nd Thematic Working Group on Communication
Why your research project isn’t attracting social media followers + what you can do about it
I-CHANGE Day: Temperature and water resources and climate change in the neighbourhood
MAIA Deliverable: Outcomes of the Policy Roundtables (v2)
Lessons learned from webinar “Climate Change & Aquaculture (I)”
LOCALISED Project: Empowering local decarbonization and adaptation
Lessons Learned from webinar “Climate Change & Agriculture (VI)”
Do you need any support?
The following publications will be added as they become available:
We support climate adaptation and mitigation projects to amplify their impact.
MAIA offers tools, methodology and experts to help climate research projects funded under the Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 maximize their dissemination.