ClimTip webinar: “The stability of the Greenland ice sheet – the big picture”

Melting ice sheet
Image courtesy of @himalaya1788

Key details

Title: The stability of the Greenland ice sheet – the big picture

Date: 4 February, 2025

Time: 14:00–15:00 pm CET

Speaker: Alexander Robinson (Alfred-Wegener-Institute Potsdam)

Webinar link: Join here (ClimTip main Zoom room)

Key messages

The ClimTip project will hold the next in its webinar series with Alexander Robinson from Alfred-Wegener-Institute Potsdam who will present his group’s research on the Greenland ice sheet stability.


Melting of the Greenland ice sheet (GrIS) in response to anthropogenic global warming is expected to be a primary contributor to sea-level rise in the future. It is also well known that the GrIS reduced in size during previous interglacial periods. However deep uncertainty remains in the magnitude of forcing that drove such retreat and the minimum size of the ice sheet in each case. Here I will discuss our recent work on understanding GrIS stability both in the context of paleoclimatic changes and future warming, and what remains to be understood.

The previous webinar recording with Johannes Lohmann is available to watch online.

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