I-CHANGE Day: Temperature and water resources and climate change in the neighbourhood

On 5 June 2024, during the European Union’s Green Week, and in conjunction with the World Environment Day, the eight I-CHANGE Living Labs will organise a data collection activity for citizens for understanding how extreme events affect different spaces in the Living Labs neighborhoods.
Images credits: I-CHANGE project

On 5 June 2024, during the European Union’s Green Week, and in conjunction with the World Environment Day, the eight I-CHANGE Living Labs will organise a data collection activity for citizens for understanding how extreme events affect different spaces in the Living Labs neighborhoods. The overall aim of these initiatives is to increase citizens’ understanding of temperature, water and climate change in their neighborhoods.

Have you ever stopped to think about how we use these spaces when we run a quick shop or meet up with friends?

During the I-CHANGE Day, each Living Lab team will lead small groups on a journey through some of the most important places in their own community. Equipped with MeteoTrackers, a citizen science sensor for collecting weather data on the move, participants will work with experts to gather data along the way and then come together to visualise, understand and contextualise it. Finally, to understand how the group felt during the journey, a discussion session will compare preconceptions and perceptions of the spaces visited before and after the trip.

The I-CHANGE Day will be organised in each of the eight I-CHANGE Living Labs (Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bologna, Dublin, Hasselt, Genova, Jerusalem, and Ouagadougou), which are carrying out various activities to raise awareness of the impacts of climate change and promote behavioural change.

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