Webinar: Antarctic Tipping Points Triggered by the Mid-Pliocene Warm Climate

The ClimTIP project continues its webinar series on climate tipping points.
Melting ice sheet
Image courtesy of @himalaya1788

This event will feature an exploration of paleoclimate evidence of Antarctic ice-sheet tipping points.

Previous talks in this series touched upon critical Earth systems such as the Amazon Rainforestthe Atlantic Meridional Ocean Circulation and the Greenland ice sheet from mathematical foundations to insights from climate communication. The webinar recordings are available on our YouTube channel

This time, the project is heading to the Antarctic – 3 million years ago – to explore what climate history can reveal about our planet’s future.

Guest speaker Javier Blasco, from the Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Potsdam, will present paleoclimate evidence on how Antarctic ice-sheet tipping points were triggered. Also, what that means for global sea-level rise and future climate risks.

Event details

Title: Antarctic Tipping Points Triggered by the Mid-Pliocene Warm Climate
Speaker: Javier Blasco (AWI Potsdam)
Date: 5 November, 2024
Time: 2:00–3:00 pm CET
Webinar Link: Join here

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For more about ClimTip visit the project’s website.


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