The MAIA project kicks off its Ambassador program

The MAIA Project kicks off its Ambassadors program, recruiting key European climate stakeholders to help achieve MAIA goals of maximising the impact of climate change research.
Download the presentation below to learn about the Ambassadors program.

On July 17-18, 2024, the MAIA Project launched its MAIA Ambassadors program via a lively kick-off meeting. 

The MAIA Project (Maximising Impact and Accessibility of European Climate Research) aims to amplify the impact of climate research projects funded under Horizon Europe through active outreach, communication and dissemination, and democratisation of knowledge. 

We believe we’re stronger together, which is why we’ve established the MAIA Community of Ambassadors. These are key European climate stakeholders and actors who can leverage their networks and influence to: 

  • Raise awareness of MAIA tools and services with the EU climate research community.
  • Share information about MAIA and motivate others to join the community, events, and activities.  
  • Participate in MAIA events and represent MAIA at EU networking events.
  • Enable MAIA’s continuous presence and engagement at the community level. 
  • Play a key role in consolidating and activating a community of problem owners and solution providers. 
  • Communicate and share research results, best practices, and policies.
  • Facilitate MAIA’s participation in clustering activities. 

MAIA Ambassadors are active representatives of communities and regions seeking to design and implement science-based climate actions. This ensures they act as access points enabling more effective communication, dissemination, and cross-fertilisation of research results. 

All this assists MAIA in reaching a greater audience to achieve its goals of improving the interoperability, accessibility, and usability of current dispersed climate knowledge, rendering more economically sustainable outcomes.

During the kick-off meeting, MAIA partners welcomed the first six ambassadors to the consortium and shared information about the MAIA project and the role and responsibilities of Ambassadors. Following on from this, participants established the foundations for collaboration and discussed logistical matters and other questions about the program. 

Going forward, this team of ambassadors will actively collaborate in various MAIA activities and MAIA events

If this sounds like something you would like to engage with, download the presentation for Ambassadors or contact us to find out more about the Ambassadors program. 

Look out for our current Ambassadors’ profiles coming soon on this website.

Maia project multiplies EU projects' results

We support climate adaptation and mitigation projects to amplify their impact.

MAIA brings together tools, methodology and experts to help climate research projects funded under the Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 programmes maximize your project dissemination.