I-CHANGE project launches serious game to educate citizens about their impact on the climate

"Our Climate Story" features key cities and empowers citizens to create their own climate story focusing on their community.
Barcelona city map in serious climate change game.
Barcelona features as one of the cities in the serious game.

Engage, learn, act, the “Our Climate Story” game empowers citizens to craft their own climate story.

As climate change continues to impact communities worldwide, the I-CHANGE project’s serious game is designed to engage citizens of all ages in the fight against various hazards.

This innovative, interactive and educational board game developed under the I-CHANGE Horizon project provides an exciting, hands-on experience that brings climate science and sustainability issues into the everyday lives of players, encouraging both individual and collective actions to reduce carbon emissions and build climate resilience.

Designed for all ages and communities

Targeted at schools, universities, families, and community groups, “Our Climate Story” offers a unique platform for intergenerational learning. Whether it is a classroom, a living room, or a community event, the I-CHANGE Serious Game fosters discussions about local climate hazards – such as floods, pollution, and heatwaves – and the sustainable solutions that can mitigate these risks. By blending storytelling with strategy, the game empowers players to explore their daily behaviors and understand how small changes can have a big impact on the environment.

Interactive learning through play

Players begin by creating a map of their community, identifying local hazards, and imagining sustainable solutions. As they move across the board using various modes of transportation – such as walking, cycling, or driving – players learn about the consequences of their choices on CO2 emissions and the environment. Hazards like floods or heatwaves are triggered as CO2 levels rise, forcing players to collaborate on solutions to protect their community from disaster.

The goal of the game is not only to navigate the challenges of daily life but also to balance personal objectives with the collective need to protect the environment. By managing resources, players gain insights into the complexities of climate action, learning to prioritize sustainable solutions for their community.

A call to action for a sustainable future

Our “Climate Story” is more than just a game; it is a tool for education and action. It teaches players the importance of sustainable choices in their daily lives and encourages them to take responsibility for the future of their communities. With every move, players see how local actions can contribute to solving global challenges.

Climate change is a shared responsibility, and this game makes it clear that everyone has a role to play. By participating in “Our Climate Story”, players learn that they can make a difference for a better sustainable future, whether it is by adopting sustainable travel habits, reducing waste, or implementing Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) to protect their community.

Climate is a question of place

One of the key messages behind “Our Climate Story” is that climate change is not a distant or abstract issue, but it is deeply rooted in place. The game allows players to create a climate narrative specific to their own community, highlighting the unique environmental challenges they face. It is possible craft a story for a specific local area or explore existing climate stories from the I- CHANGE Living Labs in Barcelona, Bologna, Jerusalem, Amsterdam, Genova, Ouagadougou, and Dublin. Indeed, each Living Lab offers real-world scenarios tied to these cities’ distinct hazards, such as urban flooding, heatwaves, and air pollution, allowing players to explore how different regions confront and adapt to climate challenges.

“Our Climate Story” will soon be available for download, including different city versions: https://citizens4climate.com/game

About the I-CHANGE project

I-CHANGE – Individual Change of HAbits Needed for Green European transition – is a European Horizon 2020 project which runs for 3,5 years (start date: 1 November 2021). The project aims to face the challenge of engaging and promoting the active participation of citizens for addressing climate change, sustainable development and environmental protection in the framework of the European Green Deal, the European Climate Pact and the European Biodiversity Strategy for 2030. The activities of I-CHANGE are strongly rooted in real society through interaction, co-development and cooperation with eight interactive Living Labs across Europe (Amsterdam, Barcelona, Bologna, Dublin, Genoa, and Hasselt), Israel and Burkina Faso.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101037193.

Learn more about I-CHANGE


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