Taking action on the ground: How the Adaptation AGORA project involves citizens in climate resilience

AGORA fosters community-driven through best practices, innovation and collaboration.
Credit: Adaptation AGORA

The Adaptation AGORA project, funded by the European Union, is a transformative initiative that seeks to involve communities in climate change adaptation strategies. By fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing, AGORA paves the way for a more resilient Europe in the face of climate change.

How Adaptation AGORA empowers communities toward climate resilience

The Adaptation AGORA project leverages various activities to achieve its ambitious goals. 

The project’s key outcomes include:

  • The development of strategic plans through co-design and co-creation in Rome, Zaragoza, Dresden, and Malmö, tailoring solutions to each region’s unique context. For example, in Rome, AGORA contributed to the Roma Capitale’s Adaptation Strategy, addressing climate change impacts such as heat waves, urban flooding, and drought, approved by the administration on 19 January 2024.
  • Adaptation AGORA followers, which include other regions, associations, organisations, and institutions across Europe beyond the four pilot areas, will benefit from the project’s results to support the climate change adaptation process.
  • Raising public awareness about climate data usage and combat climate disinformation through Digital Academies and a gamified mobile app, providing educational resources and tools to empower citizens and stakeholders.
  • Mapping and evaluating various methodologies for engaging citizens in climate action, such as focus groups and citizen dialogues and testing them in pilot regions to identify the most effective strategies for wider adoption across Europe.
  • Developing digital tools such as the Adaptation AGORA Community Hub, Digital Academies, and a Digital Handbook to support networking, knowledge sharing, and the dissemination of best practices, thereby enhancing the capacity of local communities and stakeholders to engage in climate adaptation.

Collaborate with the Adaptation AGORA Project

Adaptation AGORA, coordinated by the CMCC Foundation (Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change) and led by Scientific Coordinator Paola Mercogliano, actively seeks collaboration with stakeholders across various sectors and regions. By fostering partnerships with associations, organisations, and institutions involved in climate change adaptation, the project aims to create a broader impact. Stakeholders can join as followers, participate in project activities, and benefit from the valuable insights and resources generated by Adaptation AGORA.

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