Regional Climate Consortium for Asia and the Pacific (RCCAP)

RCCAP is a web portal that provides access to climate data, and guidance material to support climate-resilient development in developing countries of the Asia-Pacific region.
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Portal summary

The Regional Climate Consortium for Asia and the Pacific (RCCAP) is a community of practice, established by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to facilitate the development, dissemination and application of climate information and support climate-resilient development in its Developing Member Countries (DMCs).

This web portal provides access to climate data, guidance material and other resources made available through the Technical Assistance project Regional Climate Projections Consortium and Data Facility in Asia and the Pacific.

Host Organisation: Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).

Launch date: 2017.

Update status: RCCAP was lastly updated in 2021.

Funding: Initially funded by the ADB (2015-2017) for the Southeast Asia region. Since 2018, the platform has been expanded into the Pacific region, supported by CSIRO through the Australian DFAT funded Pacific Outreach Project (2017-2018) and APCP (Australia Pacific Climate Partnership) Pacific NexGen Projection Project (2019-present).

Team: No dedicated personnel. Managed on a discretionary basis by two people in the CSIRO Climate Science Centre for a small fraction of time.

Main functions:

  • Raising awareness on the need for climate change adaptation
  • Providing guidance on how to undertake adaptation
  • Providing quantitative data for adaptation decision-making
  • Sharing adaptation solutions and case studies
  • Sharing scientific literature and research on adaptation

Intended audiences:

  • National-level decision makers / national government
  • City and regional-level decision-makers / local government
  • Communities / general public
  • Teachers / educators
  • Private sector / businesses
  • Civil society (NGO / charities)

Focus sectors for the platform:

  • Health
  • Agriculture
  • Oceans / fisheries
  • Forests and other ecosystems
  • Transport
  • Infrastructure / built environment
  • Trade
  • Finance / insurance
  • Disaster risk

Why the platform was established

This platform was established through the ADB’s TA-8359 REG: Regional Climate Projections Consortium and Data Facility in Asia and the Pacific.

The main objectives of the project are to:

  • Establish a regional climate projections consortium consisting of three pilot countries (Indonesia, Philippines, and Thailand);
  • Develop a regional climate data facility which provides access to existing climate projections information, guidelines for the use of climate projections, and access to relevant knowledge products;
  • Build capacity on the analysis, interpretation, and use of climate projections information.
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