EU Climate Change Research Cluster and Thematic Working Groups

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EU Climate Change Research Cluster and Thematic Working Groups

Connect and network with other European climate researchers to debate, share learnings and challenges, and maximise the impact of your research.

Thematic Working Groups

The Thematic Working Groups in our Cluster provide an open, friendly space to debate and share challenges, learnings, and good practices related to climate research.

The aim is to experiment with new ways to exploit synergies between R&I projects, spot ‘low-hanging fruit’ for more meaningful exchange and collaboration, and collect learnings and questions to share with EU policymakers and climate stakeholders.

Thematic Working Groups focus on:

Behavioural & Structural Change

Exploring behavioural and structural change as a means to deal with the challenges of the current multi-crisis era.

Communication & Dissemination

Empowering impactful climate communication for research projects through collaboration, co-creation and best practices.

Integrating Adaptation & Mitigation

Exploring integrative research, policy and governance approaches to adaptation, mitigation and urban development.

Regions & Communities 

Supporting cities and regional and local authorities with transformation, adaptation and mitigation.

Financing Climate Action

Creating opportunities for learning and exchange on the need for public and private funding for climate adaptation, mitigation and resilience.

Carbon Budget & Carbon Farming

Exploring the challenges and opportunities of carbon budgets and farming as a means of working towards achieving carbon neutrality.

Sustainable Food Systems

Sharing insights, policy and best practices to shape sustainable pathways for the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector.

Knowledge Platforms

Breaking down silos and achieving more joined-up, usable climate change knowledge and data.

Knowledge Services

Exploring the challenges and opportunities for more efficient knowledge sharing through trusted services and applications.

Energy Transition

Promoting sustainable energy transitions through a collaborative approach to adoption and the integration of policy, technology and stakeholder involvement.

International Collaboration

Exploring opportunities for international collaboration with representatives from research projects and European or global initiatives.

Distributional Consequences of Climate Policy

Creating a space for debate and exchange on how climate research and policy may be handled differently in different locations.

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