MAIA partners reunite in Barcelona for the project annual conference
Last week, the partners of the MAIA project convened in Barcelona for their annual conference, marking a significant milestone in the collaborative effort to address climate change. The meeting was held in Aquatec headquarters, in the Zona Franca area.
The agenda, rich with insightful discussions and progress reports, kicked off with a warm welcome and introductory notes by BC3, setting the stage for a day filled with productive exchanges.
Morning session: Work Package Progress Reports
The morning session featured a round of Work Package (WP) leaders providing brief reports on the progress within their respective domains:
- WP1: Consolidating the MAIA Climate Action Community (ARC/AQUA)
- WP2: Connecting Knowledge (SEI/AIT)
- WP3: Activating the Business Community for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation (SCC/HNUA)
- WP4: Policy Outreach (SPI)
- WP5: Democratization of Knowledge (INM, OFFC)
- WP6: EU Climate Change Research Cluster in Action (BRC)
- WP7: Project Management and Coordination of MAIA Dissemination and Communication (R4, OFFC, TAD, ICA)
An open forum for WP-related topics, particularly Climate Change (CC) knowledge platforms, provided a platform for any partner to contribute.
Afternoon Highlights: Strategy and Discussions
The afternoon commenced with an overarching discussion on “MAIA Strategy within the EU Mission for Adaptation to Climate Change,” engaging all partners in charting a strategic path forward.
The subsequent sessions were dedicated to discussions on Year 2, focusing on action plans, potential synergies, overlaps, and responsibilities. These discussions, spearheaded by BC3 and involving all partners, aimed to ensure a streamlined and collaborative approach in the project’s second year.
The annual conference in Barcelona for the MAIA project reaffirmed the consortium’s commitment and collaborative spirit, serving as a valuable platform to strengthen relationships and enhance collaboration among the diverse partners.
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