Webinar agenda MAIA
Tentative schedule: Upcoming Themes and Topics
JANUARY 2024: Climate Change and Nature Based Solutions(available spaces)
- Part I: featuring GoGreen Routes, LIFE VIA DE LA PLATA and RESET
- Part II: featuring URBAN GreenUP, CLEARING HOUSE and D4RUNOFF
- Part III: featuring VARCITIES and SCORE and (1 available space)
- Part IV: (available spaces)
- Part V: (available spaces)
FEBRUARY-MARCH 2024 Climate Change and Aquaculture.
- Part I: Friday 17.11 featuring FutureEUAqua, NewTechAqua and MedAID
- Part II: Friday 24.11 (available spaces)
- Part III: Friday featuring ,and (available spaces)
- Part IV: Friday featuring FISH4FISH and (available spaces)
- Part V: Friday (available spaces)
- Part VI: Friday (available spaces)
- Part VII: Friday (available spaces)
- Part VIII: Friday (available spaces)
- Part IX: Friday (available spaces)
APRIL: Climate Change and Tourism (available spaces)
- Part I: (available spaces) HYPERION, ARCH, SHELTER
- Part II: (available spaces) SHAPE,
- Part III: (available spaces)
- Part IV: (available spaces)
- Part V: (available spaces)
MAY : Climate Change and Human Health
- Part I: (available spaces) INHERIT
- Part II: (available spaces)
- Part III: (available spaces)
- Part IV: (available spaces)
- Part V: (available spaces)
JUNE: Drought and Flooods (available spaces)
- Part I: (available spaces)
- Part II: (available spaces)
- Part III: (available spaces)
- Part IV: (available spaces)
- Part V: (available spaces)
JULY: Innovative Outcomes for Biodiversity Regeneration and/or Conservation (available spaces)
- Part I: (available spaces) MARBEFES
- Part II: (available spaces) EnBiC2-Lab
- Part III: (available spaces)
- Part IV: (available spaces)
- Part V: (available spaces)
AUGUST: Climate Change and Energy
- Part I: (available spaces) PLANKT-ON
- Part II: (available spaces) LoCEL-H2
- Part III: (available spaces)
- Part IV: (available spaces)
- Part V: (available spaces)
Previous webinars (Jun 2023- Oct 2023)
JUNE Advancing Climate Resilence in European Cities: innovations and Strategies for Urban Adaptation featuring CityClim, Life Baetulo and ICARIA
JULY- AUGUST Wildfires and Forest Management (3 Parts)
- Part I: Friday 07.07 featuring FIRE-RES, GROASIS and TREEADS
- Part II: Friday 14.07 featuring FIRELOGUE, SILVARUS and SAFERS
- Part III: Friday 04.08 featuring FirEUrisk, SUPERBand a study on Wildfires in Europe: Burned soils require attention
SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER Climate Change and Agriculture/Agroeconomy
- Part I: Friday 01.09 featuring CRAS, Path2dea and Climate Farm Demo
- Part II: Friday 08.09 Agroforestry featuring HoliSoils, Reforest and AGFORWARD
- Part III: Friday 15.09 Agroecological farming featuring UNISECO, TITAN and MEDWAYCAP
- Part IV: Friday 29.09 Healthy Nutrient Soils WATERAGRI, PrepSoil and EJP SOIL
- Part V: Friday 13.10 Healhty Soils: Decontamination of polluted sites from industrial waste featuring MIBIREM, ReSoil and POSIDON
- Part VI: Friday 27.10 featuring AgriAdapt, BEATLES and VISIONARY
What we discuss in the Webinars
In the MAIA webinars, each EU project addresses the following questions:
- Problems the project is addressing
- Solutions the projects came up with to tackle these problems
- Use cases (or living labs)
- How citizens and other stakeholders can apply these lessons learned from the EU project.
We are targeting a mixed audience but strive to make scientific knowledge comprehensible to the non-scientific public.
How will the Webinar Series be structured?
Key information regarding the Webinar Series structure:
- Tentative dates: Every first Friday of each month (Jun 2023- Aug. 2025)
- Time: 11:00- 11:45 CEST
- Presentation time/speaker: 10min
- Duration of Webinar: 40min (inc. 10min roundtable discussion in the end)
- Speakers: 3 keynotes in total
- Speaker participation fee: Free
- Audience participation fee: Free
- Audience:Scientific Community, various Stakeholders, policy makers, regions fighting climate change.
Webinars will be recorded and posted on the MAIA website as well as shared on MAIA’s social media.
Why we organize the MAIA webinars
One of the roles of AIT Austrian Institute of Technology within the MAIA project is conducting Webinars and Special Edition Publications to reach a wider scientific audience in order to spotlight climate change adaptation and/or mitigation solutions or research.
We believe that connecting knowledge on climate change adaptation and mitigation challenges, solutions, gaps and “best practices” in Europe is key to advancing climate action. MAIA will enhance the information flow and foster knowledge transfer between the Research and Innovation community, business community, policy community, and regions and organisations responsible for planning and implementation of climate change adaptation and mitigation measures (in Europe).
“This knowledge is currently scattered over multiple knowledge management “silos” (platforms, projects and organisations). It is therefore difficult to find it, to understand it and to apply it.” – Denis Havlik, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology.
AIT is responsible for facilitating webinars and scientific publications opportunities for EU climate change adaptation and mitigation projects and other stakeholders:
“Beyond research we are very interested in bringing existing solutions and proven best practices to the spotlight, so that regions and organisations in search for climate change solutions become aware of innovative ways for resolving the issues they are facing. At the end of the day, we aim to help regions and decision makers to improve the quality of life for their citizens while also creating new economic opportunities – despite the challenges (caused by climate change).” – Denis Havlik.
Together with contributions from the MAIA consortium, partners: AQUA, BC3, BRC, SEI, SPI we are looking forward to creating a lively platform of knowledge-exchange with these webinars.
Get involved
Would you like to contribute to or participate in the MAIA Webinars and Special Edition Publications? Please refer to the tentative schedule (above) of what themes will take place each month. If you are interested in being a speaker or author, please reach out to us directy. Our goal is to bring EU projects and proven best practices to the spotlight in order regions and organization in search for climate change solutions can become aware of innovative ways of solving the issues they are facing. If we receive more than three candidates/projects per topic we will gladly create more sessions e.g as we have done with the topic of Wildfires (see above)
We support climate adaptation and mitigation projects to amplify their impact.
MAIA offers tools, methodology and experts to help climate research projects funded under the Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 maximize their dissemination.